Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tribute From Chie Yi (".)

Chie Yi showed me this cat recording some time in Dec, and according to SiYing, she didn't seem to get tired of replaying it again and again. ("!)

I asked her if it was her voice, but she refused to say, and now she sent it to me as a "tribute", of don't know what form.

Hence, to reciprocate her 'kindness', I present her this photo. (",)


  1. Hahaha... What's so bad here? >_<

  2. I have no idea what that cat is saying... "Hello Mr Tan. *something something something something*"

  3. The cat is saying:
    Hello Mr Tan!
    I'm your worst enemy ever!
    U better beware,
    or I'll smack u.

    Dunno what kind of tribute is that. ("!)

  4. Lololol. MRT, you better be prepared... Jie Yi's just behind you... Ready to smack you!!! The whole class's gonna do that on WED.
