Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Public Speaking - Day 2

The speakers for Day 2 are ShiHui and Pierre.

ShiHui chose the well-known Japanese anime, "Naruto", for her sharing.

Though the trailer was a little long, it was well-balanced with her well-prepared presentation. Movie trailer serves as a good introduction to the presentation as it rouses the interest of the audience immediately, giving them an idea of the story, especially to those who have not seen it before.

Her 2nd final statement, "If I were to choose to be one of the characters, I would choose to be Naruto for his loyalty to friends," would have put a good close to her sharing. However, the last statement, if u have heard it, soured it to a certain extent, revealing a sign of insecurity and low self-confidence.

Pierre chose the movie, based on a historical and famous battle in ancient China, "The Red Cliff". The choice, in terms of language, could have been more universal to cater to different ethnic groups.

As the movie requires some prior knowledge of the characters and scenario, some audiences may not understand the story. But the use of the video clip may have somewhat helped in their understanding.

Public-speaking requires plenty of courage which both of them have exhibited. It is certainly not easy to speak in front of the audience, and could be nerve-wrecking. Their courage and enthusiasm definitely command our admiration. =D

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