Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy & Roaring Chinese New Year! =D

Annual CNY Potluck. (",)

"10, 9, 8... 2, 1... Smile! =D

Find me if u can. ("!)

Wishing everybody a roaring PSLE year ahead! (",)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Class Monitor & Monitoress Election (Videos)

The videos that everyone has been long waiting for! Let's refresh our memories of the promises that they have made three weeks ago. =D

First up, Siying! ("!)


Jing Qi


Jie Yi



Ryan Tan


Congratulations to Zhihao and Valery! =D

Zhihao swept the other three nominees off their feet by garnering the most number of votes, while Valery ward off the strong challenges by Jing Qi, Siying & Jie Yi in a closely-contested election.

They have been elected as the Class Monitor and Monitoress respectively for Term 1. (",)

Monday, February 1, 2010

10th In-Camp Training (ICT)

Say "Cheese!" =D

This is my VERY LAST ICT. This "ICT" is not the "ICT" that we commonly talk about in school.

Every male Singapore citizen will have to go through this process. Now that I have completed my 10-year NS cycle, I'll no longer be called up for service, anymore. I have been phased into the MINDEF Reserve (MR). Ask your papa about the term "MR", and he should be able to explain to u. (",)

I had an enjoyable and relaxed in-camp this time. Afterall, it's the last. It is supposed to end tomorrow, 2 Feb, but we have been released a day earlier today. I'll still be back only on Wednesday. That means I'll have one-day off on Tuesday! =D

The first thing that I want to do on Wed is to deal with the troublemakers while I was away. There had better be none. ("<)

"Supermodel" Pose. ("!)

This is the old army uniform. U'll soon not see this anymore. Instead, when u see some guys walking around your neighbourhood in green "pyjamas", u can be sure that that's our new army uniform. Haha.. =D

"War-weary" Soldiers. =O

We are not allowed to bring camera phones into camp, let alone taking photos in uniform in the vegetation. These photos were taken at Singapore Discovery Centre on Sat during our MR Parade. The tank that u see behind us is just an exhibit.

Boys, are u ready to defend our nation? =]